- Download the Special Issue from the 2012 Sun Grant National Conference
- Summary Report on the 2012 Sun Grant National Conference: Science for Biomass Feedstock Production and Utilization
- Download the National Conference Proceedings – Volume 1 & Volume 2
- Download the Conference Brochure

The Sun Grant Initiative invites you to participate in the National Conference on the Science for Biomass Feedstock Production and Utilization. The Conference will focus on the scientific progress in the field of biomass production, harvest, logistics and processing, conversion, and renewable energy, and will promote collaboration between academic, industry, non-profit and government partners. The Conference will also highlight recent advances in the science and technology contributing to the deployment of advanced biofuels from agricultural and forest systems.
Please note: all individuals interested in advancing the vision of the bioeconomy are invited to participate. The National Conference is open to everyone – not just Sun Grant award recipients.
The 2012 National Conference was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2-5, at the Hilton, New Orleans Riverside.