In Fall 2010, the Southeastern Sun Grant Center announced the availability of its regional competitive grants program with a Request for Applications, which was sent to key contacts at all land-grant universities in the region.
In total, 66 full proposals were submitted by the submission deadline. Full proposals were received from 11 different land-grant universities in the southeast region.
After extensive review by a panel from academic, business and government sectors with expertise in all the DOT and USDA research priority areas, 11 proposals were selected for funding.
Funded Proposals
- Utilization of Biorefinery Lignins Towards the Manufacture of Novel Carbon Foams – David Harper, The University of Tennessee
- Renewable Hydrocarbon Fuels from Catalytic Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass – Sushil Adhikari, Auburn University & Sunkyu Park, North Carolina State University
- Biological Hydrogen and Succinic Acid Production – Caye Drapcho, Clemson University
- “Uniform-Format” Advanced Biomass Supply Systems Design and Management – Sandra Eksioglu, Mississippi State University
- Life cycle and Techno-financial Analysis of Biomass Pretreatment for Thermochemical Process – Daniel Saloni, North Carolina State University
- Development of a Novel Approach for Removing the Three Key Inhibitors, Acetic Acid, Furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, from Lignocellulosic Hydrolysates – Mark Eiteman, University of Georgia
- The Development and Evaluation of a Cost Effective Catalyst for the Treatment of Syngas Tars Produced from a Woody Biomass – Mark Bricka, Mississippi State University
- Biorefine
- ry Lignins as Stabilizers of Emulsions for Power Generation – Orlando Rojas, North Carolina State University
- Improved Bioenergy Sorghums for the Southeastern US – Wilfred Vermerris, University of Florida
- Enhancing the Sustainability of Integrated Biofuel Feedstock Production System – Patrick Keyser, University of Tennessee
- Bayesian Probabilities of Rish and Cost for Defining Optimal Short Rotation Woody Crops Sites in the Southeaster U.S. – Module 3 of the BioSAT Project – Timothy Young, University of Tennessee